Christian Science: Its Practical Operation


Frank T. Hord, C.S., of Washington, D.C.

Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church,

The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts


Today the progressive and enlightened leaders of the world are urging upon us the necessity for more spiritual thinking. They are acknowledging the failure of materialism to solve the larger problems. They are emphasizing the necessity of spiritual values. Our more discerning thinkers are telling us that the cure for the ills of the world is to be found in the spiritual teachings of Christ Jesus. Christian Science is here and now restoring to the world these teachings in their Science — the Science of Christianity with its lost art of healing.

The advent of Jesus brought a new era, called the Christian Era. It was announced by the songs of angels: "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men" (Luke 2:14). This keynote of harmony has been ringing down the centuries, preparing the hearts of men for the reception of the final revelation of Truth.

It was in 1866 that Mary Baker Eddy discovered the divine laws of Life, Truth, and Love, the Science of the Christ. She named her discovery Christian Science. She tells us that divine Mind, God, had been graciously preparing her during many years for the complete and final revelation of the absolute divine Principle of scientific mental healing. This healing Principle reveals Immanuel — "God with us" — the ever-presence of divine Love which delivers us from every false law that claims to hinder or obstruct our freedom, happiness, or health.

Those who are listening today may hear the song of Christian Science in the arousing words of Mary Baker Eddy in "the scientific statement of being": "All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all" (Science and Health, p. 468). To those awakening to understand this message it is indeed the new song of the angels, casting out fear, bringing gladness to the heart, health to the body, and redemption and liberty to mankind.

The great discovery of the allness and ever-presence of Mind and its infinite idea was made at the close of the war between the states, when our young, vigorous, and free country had just thrown off the bonds of African slavery. The revelation that God is Mind, one Mind, infinite and omnipresent, exposed the unreality, the nothingness, of matter. As mankind glimpsed this profound truth and grasped something of its meaning, thought was liberated. Restrictions, limitations, and burdens which had weighed down humanity for centuries were removed.

Humanity is being healed of so-called incurable diseases by spiritual means; reforms are being made in business methods; theological theories have undergone great change; and ethics in general has improved. Mrs. Eddy tells us in her "Miscellaneous Writings" (p. 232), ''Human skill but foreshadows what is next to appear as its divine origin."

Let us consider the progress in what we call human invention. Prior to 1866, the steam engine, steamboat, telephone, and telegraph were in their infancy. There were no automobiles, airships, radios, televisions, or other useful conveniences which we now enjoy in modern living. You as thinking men and women must admit that something tremendous has happened in this age in which the world made more progress in the past eighty years than in the centuries that went before it. It is an age of mental and spiritual enlightenment in which Christian Science has had its part.

Spiritual Understanding of God Heals

The perfection of God and man is the basic reasoning point of Christian Science. God is defined in Science and Health, page 587, as "The great I AM; the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal; Principle; Mind; Soul; Spirit; Life; Truth; Love; all substance; intelligence." As one gains, step by step, an understanding of the spiritual meaning of these terms, he finds the nature and presence of God gradually dawning upon his thought and being manifested in his daily experience.

We understand that God is Mind, self-existent Being, wholly good and perfect, and man and the universe is the full and perfect reflection of God. This understanding is the correct viewpoint that heals the sick and reforms the sinner. As we realize this clear spiritual truth and the consequent nothingness of matter and disease, a transformation takes place in our body and in our business.

Our great Master taught us that we must understand God if we wish to live harmoniously. He understood God as Father — the ever-loving Father, who maketh the sun to rise on the just and unjust — the divine Love that is ever present, caring for the least of His creation.

Mary Baker Eddy has revealed to us the complete nature of God as Father-Mother — the sustaining, governing love of Father; the tender, protecting love of Mother.

My friends, the healing message of practical, operative Christian Science tells you that the solution of every problem is at hand — in fact, it is in your understanding of God. Every event of your life — your health, longevity, prosperity, and progress — depends upon what you know about God. As you realize the power and presence of God, who is divine Principle, Love, you demonstrate your divine birthright as the blessed son of God. You must gain a correct spiritual attitude in order to free yourself from discordant conditions.

Two fellow workmen ate their lunches together from neatly prepared lunch boxes. One man took out a sandwich, tasted it and threw it away. The next day he did the same, tasted his sandwich and murmured, "Another peanut butter sandwich," and threw it away. The third day he took out a sandwich, tasted it, murmured disgruntledly, "Another peanut butter sandwich," and threw it away. Finally his friend could refrain no longer and said, "See here, Bill, why don't you tell your wife you do not like peanut butter sandwiches?" Bill replied: "Keep my wife out of this. I make my own sandwiches."

So it is — we do make our own sandwiches! Human belief makes its own conditions. Mrs. Eddy says in "Miscellaneous Writings" (p. 170), ". . . we make our own heavens and our own hells." All human experience is thought externalized. It is our viewpoint that determines how our world externalizes itself to us.

Paul the Apostle gave us an inspiring rule for the newness of life and happiness. He tells us, "Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind." It is a change of outlook that we need; a change of thought from the mesmeric suggestions of fear, doubt, and discouragement to a firm understanding of God, the divine Principle of being. As the spiritual nature of God unfolds to us, this understanding transforms and renews our entire existence.

Spiritualization of thought is the light that dispels all the dark shadows of material existence and brings happiness, health, and prosperity.

The tender, compassionate appeal of Christian Science reaches the heart of the suffering, the discouraged, and the heavy burdened, reaching it with the comforting words of Mary Baker Eddy, "Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need" (Science and Health, p. 494). Thousands have been redeemed and healed through the transforming power of these divine words. They are written on the walls of our churches and in the tablets of our hearts. We feel their gentle presence as we go about our work and our play. We are uplifted and encouraged to seek and express this divine Love that meets every human need.

The senses may tell us that the need is for physical healing, for employment, for a more harmonious relation with our family, our business, or our country, but the divine demand tells us the need is for love, more love, purer love, for the all-satisfying Love that is good; love that is the spirit of the Christ.

As I went through one of the army hospitals in a European country during the war, I was met by a distressing picture. A young girl who had just been brought in was a bombing casualty. The doctors said that she could not live through a blood transfusion. As I stood there, I felt the all-encompassing power of divine Love. I wished I could speak Flemish well enough to tell her about the healing power of the Christ. Then I realized that language is no barrier to the transforming power of divine Love, for Love is All-in-all, and there is nothing else.

I went my way, and several days later I was in the hospital and stopped to inquire about the girl and was told that she had had a marvelous recovery and that she had been removed to a convalescent home. My grateful prayer was, "Father, I thank Thee for Thy loving ever-presence."

Christian Scientists Love and Study the Bible

Christian Scientists love the Bible. The Christian Science textbook is the key which unlocks the Scriptures for them. They turn to the inspired Word of the Bible for healing and consider it their sufficient guide to eternal Life. It is the Authorized King James Version of the Bible that they use, and it is read in all Christian Science churches in English-speaking countries.

I recommend to you the daily study of the Christian Science Lesson-Sermon, found in the Christian Science Quarterly. The Lesson-Sermon is applicable to the needs of every man, woman, and child. It is read in homes all over the world. It is read on the high seas, in the quarters of commanding officers, in foxholes and dugouts. It educates, enlightens, and heals. It demonstrates the presence of Life, Truth, and Love as the great Shepherd, who feeds His flock and leads them "beside the still waters."

How Do Christian Scientists Pray?

The question is often asked, "How do Christian Scientists pray?" They pray after the manner of Jesus; they affirm the omnipresence of one infinite, supreme God, eternal and all-harmonious, and man in His image and likeness, pure and perfect. With absolute faith they acknowledge God's power to heal the sick and the sinning. They know that with God all things are possible.

We enter the heart of prayer as we turn from a human sense of self and of worldly affairs and feel the tenderness of Love, the gentle peace of Spirit, and the quietness of Soul. We behold the glory and majesty of Being and recognize our true self as its reflection. In this transparency of true consciousness secret faults come to light, and their nothingness is seen.

We affirm the perfection of God and man; we deny all the false arguments about a personal sense of self; we deny all that is involved in material birth, heredity, time, limitation, decay, and death.

To pray according to Christian Science is to acknowledge and maintain our rightful purity and indestructible substance as the offspring of Spirit; the continuity of our health and happiness as the expression of Life; our sincerity and integrity as the evidence of Truth; our intelligence and wisdom as the evidence of Mind; our law and order as the operation of Principle; our infinite resources and joy as the reflection of Soul; our completeness and satisfaction as the emanation of Love. Man is God's idea, the manifestation of Mind. He lives by the divine decree, "Be thou perfect," saith the Lord.

This is spiritual prayer or treatment. It is all-inclusive, blessing not only yourself but all whom your thought rests upon. It is the law of loving your neighbor as yourself. It will keep you in the secret place, hidden and unknown to the senses; this secret place of prayer is the kingdom of heaven within you.

I wish to tell you of a case of healing with which I am acquainted. A young woman was suffering from spinal paralysis; she had lost the entire use of her arms, legs, and feet. She had been to the best physicians in her part of the country. They said the nerves in her spine were dying. After the physicians had failed to help her, she turned to Christian Science for healing.

The first time the practitioner called upon the patient she was receptive to Truth and willing to study the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health. Together they talked of the nature of God and the nature of man. They reasoned, since God is the only creator, Mind, Life, Spirit, and Love, His creation, His image and likeness, must be mental and spiritual. Man must be as perfect and eternal as God.

It was explained to the patient that Christian Science healing is based on the same demonstrable laws that Jesus proved in His healing work. In the words of Mrs. Eddy: "Jesus' healing was spiritual in its nature, method, and design. He wrought the cure of disease through the divine Mind, which gives all true volition, impulse, and action; and destroys the mental error made manifest physically, and establishes the opposite manifestation of Truth upon the body in harmony and health" (Rudimental Divine Science, p. 3).

The patient saw that Mind expresses all true impulse, volition, and action, and that man, being the full manifestation of Mind, includes and expresses all volition, impulse, and action. She understood that all true volition, impulse, and action are spiritual ideas included in her consciousness, and that God had given her dominion over all the earth. The impulse to exercise her dominion, to awaken from the dream of inactivity and use her divine power to fulfill her duty to God by being His active witness, healthy, useful, and loving, brought immediate improvement.

As she read and pondered the simple truths of Science and Health, she understood that God alone governs man through spiritual laws. She found that man has divine power to make the decisions which govern his own life. She decided to get well.

This young woman's intelligent decision to deny the false sense testimony about herself as a sick, useless mortal and to accept the divine fact about herself as the spiritual expression of divine Mind, active, free, useful, and harmonious, forced the paralyzing error of fear, suppression, bondage, and inactivity to yield to the spiritual ideas of independence, freedom, joy, and perfect activity.

A perfect healing took place. In a short time she was walking, sewing, dancing, and enjoying her complete freedom. More harmonious family conditions became evident.

Throughout the ages the false systems and man-made doctrines have fettered the mentality of mankind. They have produced the very lethargy that has incapacitated humanity. The result of these false doctrines is heard in the age-old cry of mortals symbolized by the impotent man at the pool of Bethesda, "I have no man, when the water is troubled, to put me into the pool" (John 5:7).

Many, like this man at the pool, have been looking for and demanding something else to do their work — supply the money, food, home, friends — all this time losing sight of the great fact of spiritual being. Mankind have looked without instead of turning thought inward to the divine Principle, Love; instead of obeying the command of our great Master, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, . . . and all these things shall be added unto you" (Matt. 6:33).

Christ Jesus at the pool of Bethesda knew that the man's spiritual ability to express divine activity was inherent in divine Mind and expressed in his own consciousness, in his own individual being; therefore he did not put the man into the pool. He reversed the whole procedure of the man's thinking; he bade the man do something himself — "Rise, take up thy bed, and walk" (John 5:8).

Christ Jesus' clear perception of man's eternal wholeness and perfection as the emanation of divine Mind was so powerful that it awakened the man at the pool from the mesmeric dream of dependence, inability, and incapacity. In the power of his own God-given volition the man arose, took up his bed, and walked.

Salvation Is at Hand

The true idea of salvation holds such hope and comfort for all. It means freedom from sickness, sin, and death, deliverance from all the limitations of the senses that through the Adam-dream have tempted and befooled us. Salvation is a word we have used in a very limited sense, dealing only with the future — that is, salvation from everlasting punishment after what is termed death.

"The plan of salvation" has been debated by men for centuries. Scholasticism has clung to the personality of the man Jesus instead of looking to the divine Principle of his being for salvation. This has hindered the world's full acceptance of the true idea of the saving Christ, the spiritual understanding of perfect God and perfect man.

Salvation is experienced as the human yields to the divine. To work out our salvation means to demonstrate daily our oneness and unity with divine Principle, Love, in every detail of our activity. All regeneration, reformation, and healing takes place through the understanding of the supremacy and ever-presence of Life, Truth, and Love. This understanding reveals the nothingness of sin, disease, and death and destroys them.

There is no final day of judgment that awaits mortals. Salvation is the daily and hourly putting off the old man with his fears, superstitions, prejudices, and every ungodlike thought and motive; it is the putting on of the new man by acknowledging our true selfhood as the image of God; it is obeying the moral and spiritual laws of the Ten Commandments by expressing the nature of the Christ. These Commandments were summed up by Jesus: "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and . . . thy neighbour as thyself." These two commandments fulfill the law of salvation.

Christian Science follows in the footsteps of Christ Jesus and declares that salvation is now at hand, a present possibility. Today is the day of salvation.


The inquiry today is: "How did Jesus heal the sick? How is Christian Science healing the sick?"

Spiritual healing was not new to the day of Jesus. Through the ages the prophets had caught clear glimpses of the true nature of God and man and had healed the sick and raised the dead. Jesus understood God as source — primal cause, perfect and eternal, "our Father which art in heaven," He discerned that man is the image and likeness of God and that everything that was true about God was true about himself as God's reflection. Because he was the reflection of Spirit, the full manifestation of Mind, all there was to him was what he expressed of God: He declared, "I and my Father are one." And to Philip he said, "He that hath seen me hath seen the Father."

He recognized that this understanding was the Christ, or the Son of God. Therefore in his daily affairs he lived the Christ, or true idea, of God. This spiritual understanding healed the multitudes, reformed the sinner, and raised the dead. In the words of our Leader: "This spiritual idea, or Christ, entered into the minutiζ of the life of the personal Jesus. It made him an honest man, a good carpenter, and a good man, before it could make him the glorified" (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 166). Mary Baker Eddy discovered that what Jesus understood and claimed for himself is the truth about every man and is here to be proved by every one of us as his own divine being, or the Christ.

How Jesus Healed

Jesus opened wide the gates of understanding for all mankind. Mrs. Eddy tells us, "The divine nature was best expressed in Christ Jesus, who threw upon mortals the truer reflection of God and lifted their lives higher than their poor thought-models would allow, — thoughts which presented man as fallen, sick, sinning, and dying" (Science and Health, p. 259). Let this radiance of divine Love lift your life higher than a poor thought-model of yourself would allow.

What is the thought-model of yourself? Is it a mortal, so many years old, so high or so low, so broad or so thin, limited, sick, fearful, or diseased? Awake from this daydream, and with the power of Truth blot out these false mental pictures, these misconceptions of your true selfhood.

Christian Science teaches us to turn from false and imperfect thought-models to the true idea of man, the real man, the image and likeness of Life, Truth, and Love. This true man is divine, harmonious, and indestructible. He is not made up of material elements, such as blood, bones, brain, muscles, or nerves. Man is not physique; he is spiritual and expresses all the qualities of divine Mind, intelligence, alertness, wisdom, and love. He is God's infinite, spiritual idea and includes every true idea of God. His identity is eternally established in divine Principle; his substance is incapable of discord, accident, decay, disease, or death. The admission to yourself that man is Mind's perfect manifestation, the spiritual idea of God, sets you free to experience the health, joy, and immortality of your being.

The unity and oneness of God and man must be worked out in our daily affairs. God has endowed man with divine power, dominion, and inalienable rights. Man governed by divine law is a law unto himself. Exercise this law for yourself, be a faithful sentinel at the door of consciousness. Be alert, and do not allow the false suggestion of sin, disease, and death to mesmerize you, cripple your capacities, and rob you of your divine right to think righteously and scientifically.

You have the power of Truth with which to meet and master every false argument. Do not stand fearfully by and allow false suggestions to grow upon your thought; deny and dismiss them with strength and vigor. You know that divine Love never sent them forth; therefore, they are illusions, illegitimate claims of the carnal mind, without power or authority.

You must be firm and positive in declaring the truth. You must stand in the full armor of divine Love; you must have conviction and assurance, and you must trust the truth that you are declaring to fulfill its divine purpose. This is the law of the Christ, the law of liberty and salvation; operating in our daily experience.

Christian Science Treatment

When our friends first begin the study of Christian Science their natural desire is to give a Christian Science treatment, to apply the truth to every situation that confronts them.

Truth being self-operative, even a grain of Christian Science inspires and impels its demonstration. The Christian Science textbook points out ways of giving a treatment. There is no formula, because a Christian Science treatment is an inspired unfoldment or revelation of Truth. Every treatment is new; every treatment is an impartation that uplifts and enlightens both the patient and the practitioner.

A Christian Science treatment is communion with God; it is inseparable from prayer. It is the spiritual understanding that all things are possible to God, therefore possible to man, His image and likeness. It is a definite, scientific declaration of Truth, what God is, what man is; it is a definite, scientific denial of error, a denial of all that is unlike God, Life, Truth, and Love.

A clear realization of the presence of divine Love as All-in-all will heal instantaneously. The very acknowledgment of the completeness and perfection of God and His creation operates as a divine law to bring out the highest phenomena of divine Love. All healing is based on the perfection and reality of God and man, and all error disappears before this divine fact.

Christian Science treatment awakens the patient to see that the false beliefs about a sick matter body are myths, dark images of mortal thought, unreal and untrue. As the light of Truth dispels the illusion of the carnal mind, one then sees that a Christian Science treatment is not only for the purpose of healing physically, but for the glorious purpose of redeeming mankind from the slavery of the human mind. Christian Science heals sickness, sin, poverty, by one rule: God, good, is All-in-all, and whatever is not of God, good, is an illusion, a mirage; that which appears to be and is not.

Christian Science teaches us how to silence fear; how to speak the words of our Master with authority, "Be not afraid." This can be done only as we realize fully that divine Love is present, here and now, and that man, the beloved son, is safe, cared for, provided for, and maintained by divine Love that is God.

The operation of divine intelligence makes us aware of the fact that man exists as idea, infinite, complete, and eternal, wholly mental and spiritual. He is not dependent on a human body or human economy for his health and happiness, but forever includes all right ideas that meet his every need, right ideas of Life, Truth, and Love.

God Is Principle

Christian Science is a practical religion. Its healing laws are applicable to every human experience. It is meeting the needs of a practical age that demands proof and demonstration. Christian Science demonstrations are not made through wishful thinking or vain repetitions. They are made through the earnest and faithful study of Christian Science and obedience to its laws.

In "Rudimental Divine Science" Mrs. Eddy defines Christian Science (p. 1), "As the law of God, the law of good, interpreting and demonstrating the divine Principle and rule of universal harmony." This divine law is today operating practically and universally in the minutiζ of our affairs. In the religious, financial, educational, political, and social realm, it is found interpreting and demonstrating the divine Principle and rule of universal harmony.

Thousands of men and women have been healed through the understanding that God is divine Principle, Love. Someone may say, "God, as Principle, seems so cold." But as you better apprehend the term Principle, you are conscious of the unvarying, unchanging, impartial nature of God who is Love.

A friend of mine who was a contractor for a concrete building asked for Christian Science treatment. He was suffering from stiffness and other uncomfortable conditions of the body. The practitioner asked him what he was worrying about and what seemed to be obstructing the harmonious activity of his body. He replied, "It is business, a very unjust situation, and my money is all tied up — money which I need for further operations." He had built a large school building for the state; just before the building was ready for use a sizable crack had appeared in the concrete. The state was withholding many thousands of dollars.

The practitioner turned to the Bible, and it opened to this statement from I Corinthians (3:13): "Every man's work shall be made manifest: . . . and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is." The power of Principle was realized as demonstrating justice and causing each one included in the situation to find according to his ways, his motives, and the intentions of his heart. A good motive brings its own good results, and a selfish, evil motive brings defeat. This is the law of Principle to every situation.

The practitioner talked with the patient about his work; asked if he had done his work honestly; if it could stand the testing; if it could be proved that he had obeyed the laws and specifications for righteous construction. If so, he would receive his money. But, it was further said, Christian Science is based on divine Principle; it is exact, and he could not expect Christian Science treatment to bring a full settlement for work badly done.

The patient saw the point and asked that the treatment be continued along these lines. In three days the state called for a thorough investigation of the steel structure and the concrete work. The investigation showed that the steel company had varied from the specifications, but that the concrete had been poured according to the specifications. Therefore, my friend's work was accepted, and he received his full amount of money. These bodily ailments were relieved at once. This was the divine law of Principle operating practically and harmoniously to heal both business and disease.

The Operation of Divine Law

With clarity, Mary Baker Eddy explains in ''Miscellaneous Writings" (p. 257), "The law of God is the law of Spirit, a moral and spiritual force of immortal and divine Mind." This is a strong definition of law, "a moral and spiritual force of immortal and divine Mind."

There is one Mind, God; the Mind of God is the Mind of man. Mind knowing Truth is the one infinite Mind expressing itself through your consciousness. This knowing is a moral and spiritual force; it is power and might; it is dominion and authority. It heals the sick.

All scientific spiritual knowing is the operation of divine law. Spiritual man expresses the moral and spiritual force of immortal and divine Mind. In proportion as you understand this you become a law unto yourself.

You may say, What then is the seeming law that appears to bind one to sin, disease, and death? What is this seeming power that claims to oppose the spiritual and moral force of my being? Christian Science teaches us that it is a supposed law of matter, an immoral force of the carnal mind, called the mind of mortals, cruel, destructive. It punishes good deeds and makes the innocent suffer. This so-called mind is the wrong believing of mortals; it is envy and criticism: it is the unholy belief of a mind apart from God. It is a myth, unreal and untrue.

Divine law is a moral and spiritual force of immortal Mind that heals, protects, and saves. It nullifies and annihilates the so-called material law, the immoral force of erring, mortal mind.

Napoleon said, "Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne and I myself have founded empires; but upon what do these creations of our genius depend? Upon force. Jesus alone founded his empire upon love; and to this very day millions would die for him."


Jesus, the gentle Nazarene, whose very presence appeared as the song of angels, whose being glorified God, demonstrated the true idea of universal peace and good will toward men. This sublime understanding was practical enough to heal the multitudes.

Jesus was the most law-abiding man that ever walked the earth. He said, "I do always those things that please [the Father]." He was forever experiencing the peace of his Christ-nature. He rebuked the wind and calmed the raging sea with, "Peace, be still." He walked through the violent mob unseen and unhurt, healed the sick, raised the dead, and left us this heritage: "My peace I give unto you." What has the world done with this peace, this living afflatus, this power of the Christ?

Mrs. Eddy writes in "The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany": "The Principle of Christian Science demonstrates peace. . . . Had all peoples one Mind, peace would reign" (p. 279). The one divine Mind understood and obeyed is the rule for universal peace. Peace is a divine idea, a quality of God, an inherent state of man's spiritual being. It is to be acknowledged, lived, and enjoyed. Peace is an active, absolute, positive consciousness of the presence of good. Peace is not a passive, inert, defenseless state of being. Peace is vigorous, vital, and impregnable.

The all-inclusive Christ-consciousness is our ark of serenity and safety, the consciousness that lifts above the floods. The law as stated by Isaiah is, "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee" (Isa. 26:3). Peace is both the Michael and Gabriel of His presence. It wins the holy wars and imparts the tranquillity of Soul.

Peace is the controlling of that flash of temper, the silencing of that sharp retort, the refraining from cruel criticism of our brother. It is practicing the Golden Rule in our business affairs. Peace is ever our guard against that subtle enemy, greed. We must wear the armor of peace day and night.

Keeping the peace of our own consciousness, individually and collectively, is keeping the peace of the world. The power and the glory of Christian Science go out to the ends of the earth, a healing stream of good available to all.

I leave with you the loving invitation of our Leader from her "Miscellaneous Writings," page 207: ". . . and in hope and faith, where heart meets heart reciprocally blest, drink with me the living waters of the spirit of my life-purpose, — to impress humanity with the genuine recognition of practical, operative Christian Science."


[Delivered Jan. 20, 1955, under the auspices of Sixth Church of Christ, Scientist, in Detroit, Michigan, and published in The Grosse Pointe News, Jan. 27, 1955.]