Christian Science: The Science of Healing


Edward A. Kimball

Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church,

The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts


I was recently introduced by a noted lawyer who said: "I know very little about Christian Science, but have been attracted toward it by reason of its many promises. If there is to be a fruition of these promises, if they are possible of fulfilment, then I am persuaded that the human race is at the dawn of its deliverance from evil. If Christian Science is true, it is the most profound fact of the present century. If Christian Science is from on high, then it will revolutionize the next century."

Instead of attempting a technical exposition of Christian Science, which would necessarily be incomplete, for want of time, I shall take these utterances as the theme of my remarks this evening, and in speaking of these promises, shall hope to give you some little idea of what Christian Science is and what it means; of its available practical utility, as well as of the achieved results which now stand in attestation of the fact that Christian Science is fulfilling its promises and manifesting fruition for the hope which it inspires in tired and desolate hearts.

The wisest men of the world are most willing to admit that they know comparatively little. They recognize the fact that the vast domain of knowledge lies largely beyond the present range of human thought and perceive that what is called the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. That is to say, it is utterly at fault and insufficient compared with actual truth or exact science. The world has partially acknowledged its ignorance and has been constantly praying that God would reveal the truth to it; but the history of the human mind shows that humanity has at first resisted nearly every revelation of the truth that has ever been made. Indeed, one of the most pitiable phases of its entire history is exhibited in its inveterate strife against every God-ordained footstep of its advancement. Revealed Truth always finds men dominated by conflicting and erroneous beliefs or misconceptions, which struggle against their own displacement and extinction. The prophet, reformer, or revealer who, as the herald of Truth, advances to bestow a blessing upon mankind, receives from the very people that have prayed for the blessing almost nothing but ridicule, scorn, defamation, and brutal rage. The reason for this is that the effect of Truth in the human consciousness is revolutionary. It supplants and over-turns the old ignorant sense of things. It dispels and destroys erroneous beliefs and theories; it reforms, regenerates, and reconstructs. Every human being passes through this process of contention against the truth of scientific revelation, and after the tumult is over with, he complacently assures himself that he is progressive and then settles down to contend with the next stage in his progress.

In the material realm we are obliged constantly to readjust ourselves to new and improved conditions. New inventions and new discoveries supplant old methods and systems, and hardly a day passes that does not see some venerated theory or custom vanish into oblivion before the light of truth that reveals the insufficiency of the old, which in time is superseded by higher ideas and better systems. All of this should admonish us to hold ourselves in a state of mental alertness, not to believe everything we hear, but to heed everything that is demonstrably true. It should admonish this very generation that it has but the merest trifle of exact knowledge, and that it is stumbling along with a chaotic mass of speculative and defective theories, and an ignorant sense of the real facts and possibilities of life. I refer to these features of what has been called the evolution of the human mind in order to gain my way to your mental hospitality because I am to speak to you to-night of the demonstrable Science of Life which has appeared to this age by way of discovery or revelation, and which is revolutionizing thought and changing the philosophy, religion, and even the morals of the age; a Science which is overturning old and proofless theories, supplanting defective and destructive methods, and establishing for mankind a happier and better life, wherein is found dominion over evil instead of submission to it.

Like other scientific revelations, it is antagonized by the various conditions of antiquated thought, and like every other blessing which has been divinely bestowed, it has forced its way to the affections of the people in spite of the most virulent opposition on the part of the leaders in the prevalent medical vagaries and religio-philosophical systems of the day. As of yore, this gospel of healing and deliverance, coming, as it does, like a dove of peace, and bearing on its wings the promise of improved morals, better health, and a happier, holier life, meets precisely the same enmity which murdered Jesus on Calvary, and from precisely the same sources; namely, the chief priests and rulers of the carnal mind or material sense of life and God, which always war against the spiritual.

Christian Science does not come to supplant historical Christianity but to re-enforce and supplement it. We rejoice in every good effort that is being exerted to improve the morals of and to Christianize the race, and when religious people get over their scare about what they erroneously think Christian Science is, and learn its real nature, they will find that it is giving new and added impulse, energy, and efficacy to all Christian endeavor. Christian Science is not announced as new truth, because there is no new truth, but its discoverer, or the one to whom it has been revealed, declares that it is the revelation of the Science of Christianity, or the Science of Jesus' ministry, his words and works. Mrs. Eddy in her work, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," declares with much emphasis and amplification that Jesus Christ presented to the world a complete exposition of the way of salvation from all evil, based on a faultless understanding of the Science of being, or a knowledge of the truth about life and its normal possibilities. She shows that Christendom, instead of understanding the Science of the Messianic mission, has been guessing at its meaning for centuries, and has involved itself in one vast maze of doctrinal antipathies which have engendered a fratricidal Christian strife, instead of Christian living, and has often mangled and slain men instead of saving them.

Infinite Science alone declares itself as the interpreter of the truth and until men gain a knowledge of the Science of existence, or the actual truth about being, they will not be free from the ills that are entailed by ignorance, fear, superstition, and sin. "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." Free from what? Is this a tangible and available promise, based in divine law and warranted by the fundamental Principle of being? Or is it merely a sentiment which first excites a transient emotion and then mocks the hope of the bondsman who is to look in vain for a fruition? Is it really true that a knowledge of Science or the truth will make man free from evil? Christian Science answers this question affirmatively; it discloses the Science of Life which delivers; it presents the rule for demonstration, and substantiates both Principle and rule by means of millions of proofs which are in faultless verification thereof. The ages have hoped and prayed for the same measure of deliverance which Christian Science reveals as possible and natural. Thousands have prophesied the time when the Truth, or God, governing men aright, would abolish death, usher in the millennium and establish the reign of heaven within.

Among other things Christian Science announces itself as the Science of healing, and promises that when understood and made operative it will infallibly cope with disease and eliminate it from human experience. The announcement that it is the Science of healing is met by the declaration from old conditions of thought, that it is not a science. This adverse judgment proceeds from the prevalent belief that the drugging system is the true scientific treatment for disease, and before we can advance further in this discussion, we must devote a moment to the analysis of the question as to what is the correct standard of scientific healing by which all other methods must be judged.

One hundred years ago Benjamin Franklin wrote: "The rapid progress true science now makes occasions my regretting sometimes that I was born so soon. It is impossible to imagine the height to which may be carried in a thousand years the power of man over matter. . . . . All diseases may by sure means be either prevented or cured not excepting that of old age, and our lives lengthened at pleasure, even beyond the antediluvian standard." I quote this to you as one out of hundreds of similar utterances of men of the past deeply learned in science and philosophy. The importance of such a statement lies primarily in the fact that the true scientist has some perception of the eternal verity that there is the science or truth about everything, and that the understanding of the Science of Life, of God, law and the actuality of power would make men free. The true scientist knows that evil is abnormal and unlawful, unlike God, unlike Science or the truth. He knows that the ills of human existence are discords, from which the truth will make you free. Franklin knew that there was the Science of healing and foresaw its discovery, and he also knew that when discovered and understood, it would "by sure means prevent or cure all diseases." He knew that when disclosed it would not betray insufficiency in the form of a long list of incurable diseases, but that after the manner in which science corrects all discord, it would extirpate disease and establish the scientific fact of health. The people of the world who have had a very defective sense of science need greatly to learn this grand verity, that the truth, or true knowledge, will set them free from all that now agonizes and torments them; and when this is even dimly perceived they will no longer be content to linger in the embrace of woe under the delusive assumption that it is inevitable. The demand of intelligence is that man should understand the requirements of science to the effect that the Science of healing must heal; and until this is learned he cannot possibly know that whatever confesses itself as not scientific and not adequate, cannot possibly be the Science of healing, and is, therefore, spurious.

In considering the question as to whether Christian Science is a science or not we are willing to submit to the highest standard that can be formulated, namely, that the Science of healing must "prevent or cure all diseases."

The world has witnessed but one exhibition of healing that is in accord with this exacting requirement of science: Jesus of Nazareth presented an unfailing manifestation of such healing. He healed the multitude of "all manner of diseases;" not one baffled him; there was no instance of failure. There are people who claim that the record is fraudulent; others who say that Jesus studied occultism in India and that his healing was mesmeric; but Christendom generally admits that Jesus Christ voiced the eternal and absolute Truth to all generations, that he was the manifestation of infinite wisdom to the world; that he came actually to do the will of God and be governed by Him, who is omniscience, all Science. Christianity logically rests on the fact that Jesus was endowed with "spirit without measure" and this necessarily means that he was endowed with knowledge, Christian knowledge, or Christian Science without limit. If he did not understand the Science of Life, then he was ignorant thereof and could not manifest wisdom. If it should be admitted that he was ignorant of God, man, and life, or that he possessed less than the exact or scientific knowledge thereof, then the whole of the Christian structure would collapse in such admission. Jesus is the Saviour, not because of ignorance, but because of accurate and ultimate knowledge. He understood the one way, the best way, the way in Truth or Science, and said there was no other way.

He is called the Messiah because he "came to seek and to save that which was lost," and to present the way of salvation. What did he do in order to effect this salvation and point out the way? He healed the sinner and healed the sick. He thus manifested the divine volition and law, because he said he did the will of his Father. The healing and reforming influence was divine. There is no possible evasion of this proposition. How did he reform the sinner and heal the sick? Was it by means of the divine Mind or mindless matter? A New York minister in a recent pamphlet, rejecting the proposition that Christian healing is scientific, suggested that perhaps Jesus' healing was in consequence of great bodily vitality; and that he exerted the force of physical magnetism on the sick and thus effected cures. If this could be established it would be apparent that instead of being endowed with Spirit he was simply overcharged with electricity, and that the supposed redeemer of the world was nothing but a magnetic doctor.

Christianity could not exist a moment on any assumption other than that it was the Mind and Spirit which was in Christ Jesus that healed the sick, or that this only exhibition of healing that answers the requirement of Science was Christ Mind-healing. In thus healing the sick, did Jesus, who manifested the infinity of wisdom, choose the best way or an inferior way? He knew that drugs had been used for two thousand years — the same drugs that are now used and which some people say that God devised for the purpose. Could Jesus have done God's will had he overlooked this divine provision and adopted means that were positively opposite? Has God two ways, one that is perfect and effective and a poorer and antagonistic way which manifests itself in dismal failure? An analysis of this subject necessarily evolves these questions: Was he wise, and, therefore, scientific? Was his work scientific, or lawless? Did he manifest natural law and God's eternal order, or did he contravene all law and present a mere spasm of supernatural interference with the naturalness of being?

Christian Science answers all these questions, and thereby overturns all the guessing, all of the preposterous theories whose only tendency has been to minimize the deep significance of our Lord's mission and present it as a mere spectacular show. It shows that Jesus' work was based on infinite Principle, a knowledge of which enabled Jesus to manifest the wisest way and therefore the only scientific way in which to heal. It includes, moreover, a complete declaration of the Principle, and an exposition of a faultless rule whereby it may be demonstrated. Christian Science is forcing these questions upon all Christian people: Can there possibly be more than one science of anything? Can there be more than one Science of healing? Did Jesus understand and practice it? Was his original Christian Science Mind-healing scientific, or fraudulent? If Jesus' healing was lawful and scientific are methods which are extreme opposites also scientific, or are they necessarily spurious? If Jesus presented the only right way, is there any other right way? If Jesus' way was in contravention of law, how can it be a way for us to follow who are commanded to obey God's law? If it is an impenetrable mystery how can it be of the slightest availability to mankind who are expected to follow in that way? Christian Science shows that Jesus was natural, lawful, and law fulfilling; that he was scientific and presented a way of healing which can be clearly understood and demonstrated with scientific accuracy, and thousands of people, once dying, are alive and well to-day in consequence of this Science and an understanding thereof, made available to any and every creature on earth.

Now let us examine the assumption that the theory and practice of medicine constitute the science of healing, and are therefore the true standard. I am saved the ungracious task of originating an impeachment of the system, because thousands of eminent professors and practitioners, after devoting their lives to its practice and study, have published comment thereupon, which aggregate as complete an admission of its insufficiency and faulty nature as the English language could be made to formulate. I have in my possession three or four hundred quotations of this nature from high medical authorities, and shall read five of these to you as types of the whole.

Dr. R. C. Flower, of Boston, says: "Medicine is not a science. The best that can be said of medicine is that it is a system of experience. No doctor of any standing will say that it is a science."

Dr. Alexander M. Ross, of England, says: "The medical practice of to-day has no more foundation in science, in philosophy, or common sense than it had one hundred years ago. It is founded on conjecture."

You would necessarily expect that the science of healing which Franklin said "Will by sure means heal all diseases," would present a faultless exposition of the primary and intermediate causes of disease. You could hardly expect by sure means to abolish any effect unless you understood the cause of such effect and could cancel it, and yet a consensus of opinion on this subject is to the effect that there is practically no exact scientific knowledge of causation whatever, and no unity of theory concerning it. Furthermore, Prof. S. M. Gross, of Louisville, says: "Of the essence of disease very little is known. Indeed, nothing at all." If the science of healing were discovered you would expect it to disclose an immaculate rule for demonstration, but Sir John Forbes, of the Royal College of Physicians in London, says: "No systematic or theoretical classification of diseases or therapeutic agents ever yet promulgated is true or anything like truth, and none can be adopted as a safe guidance in practice."

Finally after presenting the true science of life, the principle of healing, the cause of disease, and a rule or scientific modus operandi, you would expect and require a faultless, adequate remedy. Concerning the use of drugs as such a pretended remedy, Dr. Mason Good, of London, says: "The effects of medicine on the human system are in the highest degree uncertain; except, indeed, that it has already destroyed more lives than war, pestilence, and famine, all combined." (Science and Health, p. 163.)

You will therefore see that so far as theory or profession goes, there is not one solitary point of resemblance to science in this system. In no particular is it in accord with the exacting demands of science; and the records of the results of its practice show that there are many diseases that it does not pretend to cure; that there are more diseases than ever before, more contagious, epidemic and suddenly fatal diseases, and that now a larger percentage of the human race is contaminated by disease. If medicine were a science it would necessarily follow that Christian Science healing and even the Christ healing is and was lawless and abnormal, for they are extremely opposite in principle, rule, and practice. Indeed, it follows without argument that if the way of medicine is the right way, then the way manifested by Jesus was the wrong way. Christian Science in explaining the Science of Jesus' ministry removes it from the realm of the mysterious, miraculous, and unnatural. It shows that he understood more than all other men that have ever lived, the nature and real laws of Life and the cause and cure of disease. He instantaneously healed all manner of disease. Imagination cannot possibly formulate a better way or depict better results. The discovery of Christian Science reveals the Principle of Christian healing and re-establishes the efficacy thereof. In Principle it includes no admission that any disease is incurable and in practice every known disease has been healed thereby, including the entire list of those that have been accounted incurable by materia medica. Through the action and supremacy of divine intelligence, divinely bestowed and directed, as the natural heritage of man, it reforms the sinner, reclaims the drunkard, heals the sick, spiritualizes thought, elevates and regenerates.

Jesus said "Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free," and this liberating service is precisely what Christian Science is performing in behalf of human weal to-day. The fact that this promise of Christian Science is being fulfilled in our midst has been attested by nearly two million cases of healing including substantially every known disease.

Another promise of deep import to the world is that Christian Science will reveal and establish an enlarged sense of the possibilities of salvation, and in this particular it overturns many old theories which have limited the deliverance of men from evil and prostrated their hopes. Inasmuch as people have regarded the work of Jesus as miraculous and supernatural, it is no wonder that they have so disagreed in the speculations concerning him and the scope of the salvation which he came to reveal. It seems absolutely amazing, however, that instead of allowing his own works to serve as the best interpreter of his words and his plan of salvation, the world has ignored the object lesson or demonstration of Truth, and formulated a theoretical salvation which leaves out all possibility of divine deliverance for the sick. According to the Science of Christianity, Jesus manifested the will and law of God in man's behalf. He showed that the only way to "save that which was lost" was to heal it of sin and disease. The prevalent denial of this is a denial of the works of Jesus. It is a denial of the Christ ministry and therefore a denial of the Christ. To discard or reject it as "the way" is to mutilate Christianity, and utterly abolish the efficacy of salvation and the operation thereof. Jesus said: "Preach the gospel; heal the sick;" "The things that I do, ye shall do also."

Jesus indicated his own sense of the scientific nature of salvation when he said: "The truth shall make you free." He indicated that there was nothing supernatural or mysterious about freeing the sick and sinful, but that it was to be in consequence of the knowledge of Truth or Science. His ministry was to overcome evil of every kind and not to submit to it or urge his followers to submit. All of the man-made theories of salvation involve the necessity of getting sick and dying in order to be saved, upon the supposition that when you are thoroughly dead you will be thoroughly happy; but Jesus never invited any man to be sick or to die. On the contrary he taught them and urged them to gain a righteous mastery over disease.

People have speculated about evil and wondered whether they were going to hell or not, as though evil were inevitable and natural and hell a necessity. Their theories have never for a moment admitted the possibility of earthly deliverance and have never been in accord with the words of Jesus, "The kingdom of heaven is within you." It seems to me that instead of wondering whether they are going to hell or not, people would much better address themselves to the endeavor to get out. Go to humanity and witness its tears, sorrow, and broken hearts, its strife, woe, sin, disease, and death. Listen to its ceaseless wail of anguish and its pitiful appeal for deliverance, and you will find that it is enduring a hell upon earth. Now the question of vital concern to us is this, can we get out? Nearly all of the philosophy and religious systems declare that you cannot get out. They hold that most of the evil is inevitable and irresistible and that salvation therefrom is impossible. They contend for the immortal continuity of evil and then assume that man can escape that immortality by the supremely evil process called death. Christian Science, which reveals the science of salvation, declares that you can get out. It shows that evil is an abnormal and unlawful monstrosity which can be overcome, and as soon as people awaken to a perception of this, all of the deadly philosophy whose siren song constantly allures mankind to a dreadful and unnecessary doom will become extinct, and the perfectibility of man will come to light. There is no reason in logic, science, or sound theology for accepting Christ as the way revealed by infinite wisdom and then assuming it to be the way of sickness and death, in spite of the fact that Jesus' practical example abolished sickness and death as being unlike God.

Christian Science promises to restore to man his natural dominion over evil. The Bible states that God made man in His image and likeness, meaning thereby that the natural standard of being is one of perfection. It also says that He gave man dominion over all the earth. Now do you know of any man that has such dominion? On the contrary do you not know that every creature on earth seems to be the victim of circumstances, the prey of disease, and a mere bubble tossed to and fro on the sea of human misery? Do you know of anyone who practically believes Paul's statement, "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me"? The whole world, through ignorance, superstition and sin, and an utterly perverted sense of life and its possibilities, has disinherited and bereaved itself of its birthright of dominion. I do not know of any prevalent philosophy or religious belief other than Christian Science that induces the slightest supposition on the part of any man that he has dominion over all evil.

The revelations of Galileo and Copernicus overwhelmed and overturned the theories which had unlawfully governed the race for ages, and Christian Science will supplant the ignorant theories that have held man in bondage to matter for so many misery-laden centuries. It discloses the Science of Life, an understanding of which will show mortals how to regain their mastery of evil, including sin and disease, and will literally transform this race, which can here and now regain the high estate from which it admits that it has fallen.

Christian Science promises to compose the dreadful religious strife which with such appalling industry and continuity has mangled and murdered mankind throughout the ages and still mangles it. If you were appointed to save the race from the evil which besets it, and if you were to look for the causes of its misery, you would find that sectarian strife has been "a murderer from the beginning." You would find that for ages men have been guessing about God, the Bible, and Jesus Christ; that they have formulated all sorts of creeds and established thousands of antagonistic religious sects, which have throughout history assaulted each other with the most demoniacal ferocity. It is probable that more men have been murdered in the name of God, the Bible, and Jesus Christ than have fallen in all the non-sectarian wars waged since the beginning of history. If you find the countless millions that have been the victims of religious fanaticism and hatred and ask each one for an inscription to be placed upon his tomb, he would say: "You may write: This man was torn from a happy home and family; he was wounded and tortured; he was boiled in oil, sawn asunder and burned at the stake by people who assassinated him because he had a different guess about God, the Bible, and Jesus Christ from theirs." You may say that this has all ceased now, that religious people are not allowed to kill each other any more. You may refer to the fact that the criminal law has largely suppressed murder in the name of God; but I ask you: Has the criminal law suppressed the miserable quarrel? Is there not the same sectarian bitterness, the same denunciatory sermons, defamation, and hateful assault?

If you were the saviour of the world would you not think that this people needed to be saved from the horrible warfare of manufactured creeds which wages itself in the desecrated livery of religious beliefs? If you were the saviour would you not say to these people, "You do greatly err, not understanding either God, the Bible, or Jesus Christ"? If you came and found one hundred and forty-two Christian sects that had fought each other for centuries would you not remind them that Jesus preached one universal Christianity and manifested a ministry of peace, love, mercy, and good will to men, which their antipathies showed palpably they did not understand?

Through Christian Science the world will learn the Science of Christianity, or the Christ Truth which shall "make you free." It declares God aright and furnishes the key to the Scriptures which effaces mystery and makes plain the word of God to man. An exact and true understanding of God will manifest itself in a true or scientific theology, which will tranquilize the strife and establish a Christian brotherhood, whose chief aim shall be to live in imitation of Christ.

It has been declared, however, by many people, that Christian Science is not the Science of Christianity, and, indeed, that it is not Christian at all. Inasmuch as there are one hundred and forty-two Christian sects, each one different from all others, there can be no standard with which Christian Science can be compared. We cannot be expected to contend against one hundred and forty-two standards any more than against one hundred and forty-two gods. In the absence of any unity of Christian creed, theory, or practice, I can only state our sense of what Christianity is and leave you to decide for yourselves as to its merits. Christianity means Christian religion, Christian theology. Christian theology includes the understanding and acknowledgment of one infinite, individual, supreme God, who is, as the Scriptures declare, Life, Truth, and Love, who is omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence, the sole creator of the universe, including man. He is the source, origin, cause, and Principle of all that really is. He is infinitely good. He is all-inclusive and self-existent Spirit. He includes all law and government. He hath already done all things well and there is none beside.

This understanding of God impels man to learn His will and do it. Man thus governed learns that God "healeth all thy diseases, and is an ever present help in time of trouble." Christian Scientists are learning to trust this God and rely on His promises. They are proving that God is Life and means life, that he does answer the righteous prayer and lead his own in the way of life and peace. Christianity includes the recognition of the Bible as including the inspired word of God. Not that man must believe that all of the errors of translation and interpolation need to be subscribed to, but that one must gain the true spiritual interpretation of the Scriptures and find therein a perfect manual of life and a sure guide to salvation.

Christianity must include the recognition of a rational understanding of the divinity of Christ. It means Christian living rather than mere profession, and it means a literal obedience to the injunction "Follow thou Me," "Go thou and do likewise," and "Preach the gospel, heal the sick." True Christianity involves the admission of the Christ way of salvation as the only way that is according to the will of God, including the salvation from disease as demonstrated by Jesus. It includes the necessity of observing the highest possible standard of morality and of individual and social purity. It includes prayer without ceasing; the constant endeavor to live righteously; to love both friend and foe, and to find the life that is void of offense before God and man. I know of no higher standard of Christianity than this and of no people who are making a greater effort to manifest it. The inquiry as to the measure of fruition that has accrued to mankind in verification of the promises of Christian Science can be best answered by the vast throng of people who have been beneficiaries thereof. If it were possible to pass them all in review before you they could tell you that nearly every form of evil had been dispelled for them. From the basis of results of the most important nature that have transpired in their behalf they could assure you that the Science of healing does heal all diseases; that the normal scope of salvation does reveal God as the healer of disease, and that man can manifest dominion over all forms of evil. I am just the difference between a live man and a dead man because of the revelation of Christian Science. I am on this platform to-night instead of lying in a cemetery in Chicago because it is demonstrably available to every man and woman on earth. I now know enough about the cause and cure of disease to be able to say that there is nothing else known to humanity that would have healed me. Thousands of others might tell you the same story and give evidence that Christian Science is writing the history of its fulfilled promises in the lives of a vast multitude of happy, grateful people.

The efforts of those at enmity against Christian Science to pervert history by declaring that all of these benefits are of the devil or that the healing is nothing but hypnotic suggestion are utterly failing to prevent the inevitable march of progress which in the name of Christian Science is making happier, healthier people, destroying sin, and bringing to pass a more universal human welfare.

Our textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," by Mary Baker Eddy, is educating people in the way of righteousness and health and changing tears and mourning into gladness. Its author who with almost unbroken continuity labors in behalf of humanity, lives in the comforting assurance that in consequence of her discovery and faithful demonstration nearly 2,000,000 sick people have been healed. Her life of philanthropy, inspired by unfaltering love for mankind, is an object lesson for the world and commands the grateful admiration thereof.

Coming before you today as man comes to his brother man with a message of hope and deliverance, I have nothing whatever to ask of you, not even that you will bestow your approval on Christian Science or believe what I say simply because I say it. I am not here so much to ply you with discussion and entreaty as I am to tell you that we are escaping from abysmal depths of woe, and to utter the hope that if ever you are stricken and desolate because of disease; if you are ever frantic with pain or cast down by the tumult of sin; if hope turns to ashes, and black despair enthrones itself because of the supposed hopelessness of your lot, you will remember that Christian Science promises in the words of its discoverer to "cure all thy sorrow and sickness and sin." (Poems by Mary Baker Eddy, page 75:16) It promises to bring to pass the prophecy of St. John, "and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain, for the former things are passed away."

"Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." Free from what? From tears, sin, broken hearts and pain, from everything that is unlike God and heaven.


[Delivered at First Church of Christ, Scientist, Kansas City, Missouri and published in The Kansas City Times Dec. 11, 1899. This is the fourth of 18 lectures featured in the book Lectures and Articles on Christian Science (pdf) or Lectures and Articles on Christian Science (epub) by Edward A. Kimball.]