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some changes going on? See Progress in CSLectures Site Revision
BOOKS (February 15, 2025)
Lectures and Addresses on Christian Science by Edward A. Kimball in Epub format
LECTURES (February 15, 2025)
Christian Science (1918 Lecture) (Walton
Christian Science Proves That Life Has Both Meaning
and Value (Elisabeth Carroll Scott)
Justice in God (Jer Master)
How Do You Relate to Others? (Josephine H. Carver)
You Have a Purpose (Josephine H. Carver)
BY LECTURER (February 15, 2025)
Christian Science: A Foundation for World Brotherhood and Peace
[A better copy of the lecture than was
formerly on the site]
BY LECTURER (December 15, 2018)
website is now ranked SECURE by web browsers. All pages and files should now
open in the https format, instead of in the old http format. This upgrade is
very important and CS Lectures is immensely pleased and most grateful to be
able to provide you with this significant improvement.
LECTURES (June 15, 2018)
Christian Science: The Voice in the Wilderness
(The Rev. Andrew J. Graham)
The Rise and Progress of Christian Science
(Carol Norton)
NEW LECTURES (March 15, 2018)
Christian Science: The Liberator of Mankind (1) (John Randall Dunn)
NEW LECTURES (February 15, 2018)
Christian Science: The Liberator (Lucia C.
The Way To Healing (Ralph W. Cessna)
BY LECTURERS (February 15, 2018)
SUPPLIED TO LECTURE (February 15, 2018)
There a God? (Ralph W. Cessna)
[formerly Correct Understanding of God the
Key to Healing]
NEW LECTURE (January 15, 2018)
Christian Science: Its Practicality in Daily Affairs (J. Lingen Wood)
SUPPLIED TO LECTURE (January 15, 2018)
Christian Science (Clarence A. Buskirk)
[formerly Lecture on Christian Science, Title Unknown (1)]
NEW LECTURES (December 15, 2017)
Christian Science: Religion of Health and Happiness (Naomi Price)
Stay on the Beam (Eugene Depold Tyc)
[en español]
encontrar satisfacción verdadera (Catherine H. Anwandter)
NEW PAGES (December 15, 2017)
Progress in CSLectures Site
Explanation of changes now occurring to this web site
Conferencias sobre la Ciencia Cristiana en español
Index to lectures in Spanish available on this site
(Lela May Aultman)
[The newspaper jump page was found. The lecture's last two-and-a-half paragraphs, previously missing, are now on the site.]
NEW LECTURES (September 15, 2017)
[en español]
Liberación por medio del Cristo (Catherine H. Anwandter)
¿Necesita Usted un Cambio de Corazón? (Ada P. de Mondino)
NEW LECTURES (August 15, 2017)
Science: The "New Tongue" in the Space Age (Bennett)
[en español]
Abundancia Aquí y Ahora (Ada P. de Mondino)
El Poder de Dios (Horacio Omar Rivas)
¿Esta Ud. Mirando en la Dirección Correcta? (Horacio Omar Rivas)
La Ciencia del Nuevo Hombre (Catherine H. Anwandter)
NEW BOOKLETS (December 15, 2016)
"Awake Thou That Sleepest" (Frederick Dixon)
Prophecy: Fulfilment: Revelation. (The Earl of Dunmore)
"Then the Full Grain in the Ear"
NEW ARTICLES (December 15, 2016)
Love is
(William P. McKenzie)
NEW BOOKLET (August 15, 2016)
is not Power"
(Leaflet) also available for download in original PDF scan
NEW LECTURES (December 15, 2015)
A Basis for Justice (Alaister G. Smith)
A Higher Humanity (Thomas O. Poyser)
Christian Science (Judge Septimus J. Hanna)
Christian Science (The Rev. William P. McKenzie)
Christian Science and the World's Redemption (Prof. Hermann S. Hering)
Christian Science Brings Freedom From Fear (J. Hamilton Lewis)
Christian Science: God's Promises Fulfilled (Walter S. Symonds)
Christian Science: How Prayer Heals (Dr. Archibald Carey)
Christian Science: Its Mission and Leader (Prof. Hermann S. Hering)
Christian Science: Its Reforming and Healing Mission (Neil H. Bowles)
Christian Science: Its Revelation of God's Plan and Purpose to Man (Hugh Stuart Campbell)
Christian Science Reveals the Qualities of God in Man (Colin Rucker Eddison)
Christian Science: The Answer to Mankind's Need for Security (Louise S. Karpen)
Christian Science: The Religion of Enlightenment and Glorious Liberty (Oscar Graham Peeke)
Christian Science: The Restoration of Christ-Healing (John Randall Dunn)
Christian Science: The Revelation of Spiritual Law (1) (Paul Stark Seeley)
Christian Science: The Science of Divine Healing (John Ellis Sedman)
Christian Science: The Universal Remedy (Albert F. Gilmore)
Christian Science: The Way to Dominion and Freedom Through Prayer (Harry B. MacRae)
Christian Science: What It Is and What It Does (Robert S. Van Atta)
Let God Direct Your Life (Robert H. Mitchell)
The Call of Christian Science (Lt. Col. Robert Ellis Key)
The Demand of Spiritual Discovery (Otto Bertschi)
What Do You Trust? (Gordon F. Campbell)
Why Put Up With Fear? (Gordon F. Campbell)
Your Community and You (Thomas O. Poyser)
NEW LECTURES (June 15, 2015)
Christian Science Challenges Common Opinion (Robert Dolling Wells)
Christian Science: Christianity's Crown (Richard P. Verrall)
Christian Science: God's Revelation of Spiritual Healing (Frederick C. Hill)
Christian Science: The Activity of Good (2) (Paul Stark Seeley)
Christian Science: The Power of Good Over Evil (2a) (Bicknell Young)
Our Search for Identity (Norman B. Holmes)
What Are We Looking For? (Martin Broones)
NEW LECTURES (Jan. 15, 2015)
Christian Science: It is Christian, Curative, and Lawful (1) (Carol Norton)
Christian Science: It is Christian, Curative, and Lawful (2) (Carol Norton)
Christian Science: The Science of Love (Hendrik J. de Lange)
Christian Science: The Way of Active Peace (Lela May Aultman)
NEW LECTURES (Dec. 15, 2014)
Christian Science (Clarence A. Buskirk)
Christian Science (1901 Lecture) (A. A. Sulcer)
Christian Science: A Religion of Healing (A. Hervey-Bathurst)
Christian Science: Exchanging Human Concepts for Divine (Anna E. Herzog)
Christian Science: How Everyone Can Practice Christian Healing (Peter B. Biggins)
Christian Science: The Revelation of Man's Unity with God (John D. Pickett)
The Real Man and His Relation to God (Judge Clifford P. Smith)
Science: How Man Can Work the Works of God (Elisabeth Carroll Scott)
[formerly How Man Can Work the Works of God]
Science: The Way of Salvation Which Christ Jesus Revealed (John Ellis Sedman)
[formerly Christian Science: The Way of Salvation]
Religious, Therapeutical, Legal, and Scientific Review of the Christian Science
(Carol Norton)
[added explanation of circumstances at the time the lecture was given and letter to the editor by the lecturer]
NEW LECTURES (Nov. 15, 2014)
Christian Science: It is Christian, It is Scientific (Carol Norton)
Christian Science: Religion That Meets the Human Need (Paul K. Wavro)
Christian Science: The Awakener (Lucia C. Coulson)
Christian Science: The Impersonal Saviour (Richard P. Verrall)
Christian Science: The Religion of Fulfillment (1) (Judge Samuel W. Greene)
Christian Science: The Revelation of Real Manhood (Paul Stark Seeley)
Christian Science: The Science of God's Abundant Provision (Harold Molter)
Christian Science: The Science of Reality (Dr. Hendrik J. de Lange)
More Than a Superstar (George Louis Aghamalian)
The Scientific Breakthrough in Religion (Otto Bertschi)
NEW LECTURES (Oct. 15, 2014)
Christian Science: Its Practical and Enlightened Way of Freedom (Harry B. MacRae)
Christian Science: The Revelation of Man's Unity with God (Charles V. Winn)
NEW LECTURE (Aug. 15, 2014)
God's Man or Adam's Man (Dorothy Holder Jones)
NEW LECTURE (Feb. 15, 2014)
Christian Science: What It Is (William D. McCrackan)
NEW LECTURE (Jan. 15, 2014)
Christian Science: Its Healing Ministry (1) (Bliss Knapp)
PAGE REVISION (Dec. 21, 2013)
How to Search This Site was revised in order
to aid visitors in obtaining a far greater number of search results than was
possible when using the previous instructions. Search engine links now open in a new window.
NEW LECTURES (Aug. 15, 2013)
Christian Science: A Light on the Path (John Sidney Braithwaite)
Christian Science: A Religion of Progress (2) (William D. McCrackan)
Christian Science and Common Sense (Carol Norton)
Christian Science is Applied Christianity (Carol Norton)
Christian Science: Its Religion, Healing, Therapeutics, and Philosophy (Carol Norton)
Christian Science: Its Religious and Healing Elements (1) (Bliss Knapp)
Christian Science: The Fulfillment of Scriptural Promises (Salem Andrew Hart, Jr.)
Christian Science: The Gospel of Love (The Hon. Clarence A. Buskirk)
Christian Science: The Key to Self-Government (2) (John Sidney Braithwaite)
Christian Science: The Light of Truth (1) (George Shaw Cook)
Christian Science: The Religion of Fulfillment (2) (Judge Samuel W. Greene)
Christian Science: The Religion of Now (The Hon. William E. Brown)
Christian Science: The Science of All that Relates to God (2) (Bicknell Young)
Christian Science: Universal Christianity (1) (Carol Norton)
Christian Science: Universal Christianity (2) (Carol Norton)
Christian Science vs. Finite Sense (1) (Francis J. Fluno)
Christianity is Science and Science is Demonstrable (2) (Mary Brookins)
The Mission of Christian Science (Francis J. Fluno)
True Sonship in Christian Science (Dr. Silas J. Sawyer)
Science Reveals Man's Sonship With God (Lela May Aultman)
[Missing text was restored to the lecture.]
Science: The Operation of Divine Law in Human Affairs (Peter V. Ross)
[Several paragraphs were added to the final
section of the lecture.]
NEW LECTURES (July 15, 2013)
Christian Science (1912 Lecture) (Willis F. Gross)
Christian Science (1915 Lecture) (Willis F. Gross)
Christian Science (1916 Lecture) (Willis F. Gross)
Christian Science and Human Activities (The Rev. Andrew J. Graham)
Christian Science and the Brotherhood of Man (William D. McCrackan)
Christian Science and the Unity of Good (The Rev. Andrew J. Graham)
Christian Science: God's Law of Holiness, Health, Immortality (Violet Ker Seymer)
Christian Science: Its Assurance of True Guidance to Men (George Channing)
Christian Science: Its Discovery and Demonstration (W. Stuart Booth)
Christian Science: Its Practical Use of Bible Teachings (Sim Andrew Kolliner)
Christian Science: Its Truth and Value (1) (Judge Clifford P. Smith)
Christian Science: Its Truth and Value (2) (Judge Clifford P. Smith)
Christian Science: Logical and Practical Religion (Archibald Carey)
Christian Science, or Deliverance from Evil (1) (William P. McKenzie)
Christian Science Reveals the Unlimited Power of Prayer (John J. Selover)
Christian Science: The Continuing Fulfillment of Prophecy (Charles Louis Reilly)
Christian Science: The Gospel of Salvation (Willis F. Gross)
Christian Science: The Gospel of the Kingdom (1) (Judge Clifford P. Smith)
Christian Science: The Joy of Living by Divine Authority (John D. Pickett)
Christian Science: The Law of Divine Intelligence to Man (Evelyn F. Heywood)
Christian Science: The Reconciler and Consoler (The Rev. Andrew J. Graham)
Christian Science: The Revelation of God's Blessings (Salem Andrew Hart)
Christian Science: The Revelation of God's Healing Spiritual Ideas (Harry C. Browne)
Christian Science: The Road to Salvation (Violet Ker Seymer)
Christian Science: The Science of Life Abundant (Dr. Hendrik J. de Lange)
Christian Science: The Science of Right Living (1) (Hermann S. Hering)
Christian Science: The Science of Salvation (1) (Prof. Hermann S. Hering)
Christian Science: The Science of Spiritual Healing (Major Chauncey Whitney Sampsell)
Christian Science: The Science of True Consciousness (Albert F. Gilmore)
Christian Science: The Summons of Divine Love (Paul A. Harsch)
Christian Science: The True Import of the Word (Willis F. Gross)
Christian Science: The True Vision (Charles V. Winn)
Christian Science: The Truth That Heals (Blanche K. Corby)
Christian Science: The Unfailing Power of God Made Practical (John D. Pickett)
Christian Science: The Unity of Religion and Medicine (Willis F. Gross)
Christian Science: The Way of Salvation Through Christ (James G. Rowell)
Christian Science: The Way to Life, Peace and Joy (William E. Brown)
How Christian Science Destroys Obstructions to Good (W. Norman Cooper)
Science: A Religion of Works (The Hon. William G. Ewing)
Science: The Gospel of the Kingdom (1) (Judge Clifford P. Smith)
[Was found to contain optional hyphens (see Nov. 15, 2012, below), which were removed. At some point the webmaster must recheck all pages to ensure no more optional hyphens are found on this site. (This was finally accomplished as of May 15, 2019.)]
NEW LECTURES (June 15, 2013)
Christian Science (Edward H. Hammond)
Christian Science (1916 Lecture) (Charles I. Ohrenstein)
Christian Science (1917 Lecture) (Charles I. Ohrenstein)
Christian Science (1925 Lecture) (Dr. Walton Hubbard)
Christian Science: A Religion of Reality (William D. McCrackan)
Christian Science: A Religion of Right Thinking (Clarence W. Chadwick)
Christian Science Applied to Mankind (A. Hervey-Bathurst)
Christian Science: How It Works (Archibald Carey)
Christian Science: Its Revelation of the True Church (Colin Rucker Eddison)
Christian Science: Its Spiritual Idealism and Realism (George W. Martin)
Christian Science: Spiritual Regeneration (John J. Flinn)
Christian Science: The Divine Declaration of Independence (Charles I. Ohrenstein)
Christian Science: The Knowledge of Salvation (Charles I. Ohrenstein)
Christian Science: The Power of Spiritual Right Thinking (Arthur P. Wuth)
Christian Science: The Revelation of Man's Spiritual Heritage (Sylvia N. Poling)
Christian Science: The Revelation of Truth (Blanche K. Corby)
Christian Science: The Science of Well-Being (Charles I. Ohrenstein)
Christian Science: The Science of Seeking and Finding Truth (Joseph Lingen Wood)
Christian Science: The Science That Eliminates Fear (Evelyn F. Heywood)
Christian Science: The True Business Education (Charles I. Ohrenstein)
Christian Science: The Way to the True Kingdom (Charles I. Ohrenstein)
Christian Science: The Way to True Security (Will B. Davis)
Christian Science: Demonstrable Religion (1) (Frank H. Leonard)
Bible, Christian Science and You (Sylvia Poling)
NEW BOOKLETS (June 15, 2013)
Mary Baker Eddy: Her Purpose and Accomplishment (Frederick Dixon)
Titles of
Christian Science Lectures delivered by John M. Tutt, M.D., C.S.B.
Science: The Basis of Right Thinking (Charles I. Ohrenstein)
[formerly Principle Forms Basis of Christian Science (probably taken from a subheading)]
NEW LECTURES (May 15, 2013)
Religious, Therapeutical, Legal, and Scientific Review of the Christian Science
(Carol Norton)
(William D. Kilpatrick)
Science (1911 Lecture) (Frank H. Leonard)
Christian Science (1913 Lecture) (Judge Clifford P. Smith)
Science (1918 Lecture) (Dr. Walton Hubbard)
Christian Science (1920 Lecture) (Ezra W. Palmer)
Christian Science (1921 Lecture) (Dr. Walton Hubbard)
Science (1925 Lecture) (Dr. Walton Hubbard)
Christian Science: A Present Redemption (The Rev. William P. McKenzie)
Science: Applied Righteousness (Frank Bell)
Christian Science: Christ's Christianity for the Present Age (Robert S. Van Atta)
Christian Science — God's Law (William D. Kilpatrick)
Christian Science: Heaven Here and Now (Clarence W. Chadwick)
Christian Science: Its Practical Operation (Frank T. Hord)
Christian Science: Its Reasonableness (The Rev. Andrew J. Graham)
Christian Science: Mankind's Greatest Need (Albert F. Gilmore)
Christian Science: Salvation for Humanity (1) (William W. Porter)
Christian Science: The Democracy of Mind — God (2) (William W. Porter)
Science: The Interpretation of Being (Mary Brookins)
Christian Science: The Law of God (William D. Kilpatrick)
Christian Science: The Panacea for the World's Unrest (1) (The Rev. William P. McKenzie)
Christian Science: The Panacea for the World's Unrest (2) (The Rev. William P. McKenzie)
Science: The Power of Good Over Evil (1) (Bicknell Young)
Christian Science: The Science of Perfection (Frank Bell)
Christian Science: The Science of Right Thinking (Frank Bell)
Christian Science: The Science of Spiritual Consciousness (Ezra W. Palmer)
Christian Science: The Science of Spiritual Understanding (Ezra W. Palmer)
Christian Science: The Science of True Living (Bicknell Young)
Christian Science: The Word of God Applied to Our Human Needs (Peter B. Biggins)
Clean Journalism (The Rev. William P. McKenzie)
The Claims of Christian Science on People of Liberal Thought (The Rev. Irving C. Tomlinson)
The Idealism of Jesus (The Rev. Arthur R. Vosburgh)
Unknown God Made Known (The Rev. Irving C. Tomlinson)
[introduction from newspaper and later comment from Mary Baker Eddy added]
NEW LECTURES (April 15, 2013)
An Address (The Rev. William P.
Christian Science and Eternal Indestructible Life (John Ellis Sedman)
Christian Science: Its Benefits and Blessings (The Rev. Irving C. Tomlinson)
Christian Science Reveals The Kingdom of Heaven at Hand (Judge Joseph R. Clarkson)
Christian Science: The Practical Way to Health, Happiness, and Security (Thomas E. Hurley)
Christian Science: The Revelation of God's Man (John W. Doorly)
Christian Science: The Science of Omnipotent Mind (1) (Ezra W. Palmer)
Christian Science: The Science of Omnipotent Mind (2) (Ezra W. Palmer)
Christian Science: The Science of Salvation (John W. Doorly)
Christian Science: The Solution for Mankind's Entanglements (Arch Bailey)
Christian Science: The Vision of Christ Jesus (The Rev. Andrew J. Graham)
Christian Science: The Way to Happiness Here and Hereafter (1) (William R. Rathvon)
Christian Science: The Way to Happiness Here and Hereafter (2) (William R. Rathvon)
Christian Science: The Way to Happiness Here and Hereafter (3) (William R. Rathvon)
The Unknown God Made Known (The Rev. Irving C. Tomlinson)
NEW ARTICLES (April 15, 2013)
Principle and Practice (Mary Baker Eddy)
NEW LECTURES (March 15, 2013)
(Edward A. Kimball)
Christian Science (1898 Lecture) (The Rev. George Tomkins)
Christian Science (1913 Lecture) (Frank H. Leonard)
Christian Science (1915 Lecture) (Bicknell Young)
Christian Science (1918 Lecture) (Paul Stark Seeley)
Christian Science (1920 Lecture) (Paul Stark Seeley)
Science and Christian Scientists (Francis J. Fluno)
Christian Science and Its Discoverer (The Rev. Irving C. Tomlinson)
Christian Science in Business (John W. Doorly)
Christian Science: Its Naturalness, Simplicity, and Practicality (John C. Lathrop)
Christian Science: Man's Eternal Birthright (John W. Doorly)
Christian Science: Salvation Through Spiritual Sense (John C. Lathrop)
Christian Science: Some Questions Answered (Will B. Davis)
Christian Science: Spiritual Regeneration (Frank H. Leonard)
Christian Science: The Business Man's Aid and Comfort (John W. Doorly)
Christian Science: The Gospel of Healing (Clarence C. Eaton)
Christian Science: The Interpretation of Truth (Frank H. Leonard)
Christian Science: The Law of Spirit (Capt. John F. Linscott)
Christian Science: The Principle and Practice of Divine Metaphysics (Robert Stanley Ross)
Christian Science: The Revelation of God's Presence and Power (John W. Doorly)
Christian Science: The Science of Enlightenment (Arthur P. DeCamp)
Christian Science: The Supreme Discovery of the Age (John Randall Dunn)
The Claims
of Christian Science on the Modern World (Francis J. Fluno)
Are You Living in the Present? (Josephine H. Carver) [a few words have been proposed, in brackets, at a point where the lecture as presented on this site did not make sense]
Science: Its Promises and Their Fulfilment (Edward A. Kimball) [introduction by
The Rev. William P. McKenzie added]
NEW ARTICLES (March 15, 2013)
About Age (some thoughts from Mary Baker Eddy)
Miss Clara Barton (by Mary Baker Eddy and others)
No Evil Power (Irving C. Tomlinson)
Psalm 91 (From The Holy Bible)
"Revelation of the Truth" (Edward A. Kimball)
NEW LECTURES (Feb. 15, 2013)
Christian Science (1907 Lecture) (Bicknell Young)
Science (1908 Lecture) (Bicknell Young)
Christian Science: Its Practical Application to Everyday Life (Sim Andrew Kolliner)
Christian Science: The Christianity of Christ (The Rev. Irving C. Tomlinson)
Christian Science: The Science of the Unity of God and His Creation (John W. Doorly)
God, the One Infinite Mind (Bicknell Young)
NEW BOOKLET (Feb. 15, 2013)
Every Human Need … Met! (compiled by CSLectures.org)
NEW ARTICLE (Feb. 15, 2013)
A Word to
the Wise
(some thoughts from the writings of Mary Baker Eddy)
NEW PAGE (Jan. 15, 2013)
NEW ARTICLE (Jan. 15, 2013)
The Greatest Thing in the World (Henry Drummond)
NEW LECTURE (Jan. 15, 2013)
Christian Science: The Religion of Right Resistance (John C. Lathrop)
NEW BOOKS (Dec. 24, 2012)
Manual of The Mother Church (Mary Baker Eddy)
Pulpit and Press (Mary Baker Eddy)
Retrospection and Introspection (Mary Baker Eddy)
NEW BOOKS (Dec. 21, 2012)
The Holy Bible (King James Version)
Christian Healing (Mary Baker Eddy)
Christian Science versus Pantheism (Mary Baker Eddy)
Message to The Mother Church 1900 (Mary Baker Eddy)
Message to The Mother Church 1901 (Mary Baker Eddy)
Message to The Mother Church 1902 (Mary Baker Eddy)
No and Yes (Mary Baker Eddy)
Rudimental Divine Science (Mary Baker Eddy)
The People's Idea of God (Mary Baker Eddy)
Unity of Good (Mary Baker Eddy)
NEW ARTICLES (Dec. 21, 2012)
Church Manual
(by Blanche Hersey Hogue)
NEW LECTURES (Dec. 21, 2012)
Christian Science: Some Rudimental Applications (Hermann S. Hering)
Christian Science: The Science of Right Living (2) (Hermann S. Hering)
Science of Christian Healing (Hermann S. Hering)
NEW ARTICLES (Dec. 6, 2012)
About Christmas (some thoughts from the writings of Mary Baker Eddy)
Index of Articles by L. Ivimy Gwalter, C.S.B. (click to download in Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel format)
NEW LECTURES (Dec. 6, 2012)
Christian Science (1916 Lecture) (Paul Stark Seeley)
Christian Science (1918 Lecture) (Paul Stark Seeley)
Science (1918 Lecture) (Virgil O. Strickler)
Christian Science: A Reason for Hope (John Sidney Braithwaite)
Christian Science: A Religion of Healing Through Prayer (Nelvia E. Ritchie)
Christian Science and the Kingdom of Heaven (Paul Stark Seeley)
Christian Science: Christ Made Manifest in the Modern World (Francis Lyster Jandron)
Christian Science: Humanity's Friend and Emancipator (Violet Ker Seymer)
Science: The Democracy of Mind — God (1) (William W. Porter)
Christian Science: The Restorer (William W. Porter)
Christian Science: The Revelation of Man's God-Given Dominion and Freedom (Thomas E. Hurley)
Christian Science: The Revelation of True Ideas (Paul Stark Seeley)
Christian Science: The Science of the Revelation of God's Nature to Man (John W. Doorly)
Christian Science: What It Is and How It Works (Paul Stark Seeley)
[Also updates were made to 34 lectures (involving the lecturers Gavin W. Allan, Lela May Aultman, Charles M. Carr, Richard J. Davis, Will B. Davis, Arthur P. DeCamp, Hendrik J. de Lange, Lenore D. Hanks, Anna E. Herzog, Adair Hickman, Thomas E. Hurley, Edward A. Kimball, Herschel P. Nunn, Arthur Perrow, Harold Rogers, Peter V. Ross, Robert Stanley Ross, James G. Rowell, Paul Stark Seeley, Clifford P. Smith, Eugene Depold Tyc, and Richard P. Verrall); this was done to correct the fact that the intended improvements, described below in the last site update, did not take place the last time around on certain lectures, for various reasons.]
NEW LECTURES (Nov. 15, 2012)
Christian Science: A Positive Faith (John J. Flinn)
Christian Science and the Kingdom of God (Paul Stark Seeley)
Christian Science and Universal Happiness (John Ellis Sedman)
Christian Science: God's Ever-Present Kingdom Revealed (Wilson M. Riley)
Christian Science: Its Simple and Inevitable Appeal (John C. Lathrop)
Christian Science: The Revelation of Spiritual Power (Paul Stark Seeley)
Christian Science: The Science of Being (George Shaw Cook)
Christian Science: The Science of Mind and Its Ideas (John W. Doorly)
Christian Science: The Science of Spirit (George Shaw Cook)
Christian Science: The Union of Reason and Revelation (Lucia C. Coulson)
Christian Science: The Science of the Christ which includes all True Science, Theology and Medicine (John W. Doorly)
How Christian Science Heals (Hermann S. Hering)
Meeting and Solving Your Problems Through Christian Science (W. Norman Cooper)
Prayer of Understanding: The Message of Christian Science (John W. Doorly)
Science & Health Continuous
Audio [off-site link; streaming audio launches
automatically in new window]
missing text to the following lectures:
W. Stuart Booth's Christian
Science: Its Practical Appeal
Harry C. Browne's Christian
Science: The Revelation of God's Healing Presence
Jean M. Snyder's Christian
Science: The Living Light of Christ, Truth
Elizabeth McArthur Thomson's Christian
Science: Its Divine Origin and Operation
Robert S. Van Atta's Christian
Science: The Religion of Friendship and Healing
titles to the following lectures:
Untitled by Clarence W. Chadwick became Christian
Science: Religion Made Practical
Untitled by A. Hervey-Bathurst became Christian
Science: An Universally Practical Religion
Man Must Copy God, newspaper headline on
William Wallace Porter's lecture, became Christian
Science: Its Reasonable Appeal
Explains Teachings of Christian Science,
newspaper headline on Nelvie E. Ritchie's lecture, became Christian
Science: The Gospel of Salvation
items relating to Edward A. Kimball on the
supplementary Kimball lecture page
every lecture page, making sure that underneath each lecturer's name appeared
the title “Member of the Board of Lectureship, etc.,” adding links at the
bottom of each to the Home Page and to the Index of Christian Science lectures,
and removing the presence of "optional hyphens," which were causing
the leading search engine not to be able to read words containing these hyphens
(with the result that significant words in various lectures were not showing up
as readable English words in search results).
Corrected a number of nonfunctioning links around the site so that they will now work (the webmaster believes the issue causing problems is now resolved, but if you should ever find a broken link on this web site, you are invited to report it for correction)
NEW BOOKS (Oct. 12, 2012)
Fruitage [chapter from 1902 edition of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy]
Lectures and Addresses on Christian Science by Edward A. Kimball
NEW LECTURES (Oct. 12, 2012)
Action and Influence of Thought on the Affairs of Man (Edward A. Kimball)
Christian Science Consistencies (Edward A. Kimball)
Christian Science: Physician and Redeemer (Judge William G. Ewing)
Christian Science: Prayer Made Practical (Leonard T. Carney)
Christian Science: The Science of Healing (Edward A. Kimball)
Facts and Fictions about Christian Science (Edward A. Kimball)
Fear the Chief Procurator of Disease (Edward A. Kimball)
Law and Power Invisible (Edward A. Kimball)
Some of the Indisputable Facts about Christian Science (Edward A. Kimball)
The Availability of Christian Science in Everyday Life (Edward A. Kimball)
The Cause and Scientific Cure of Disease (Edward A. Kimball)
The Divinity of Christ (Edward A. Kimball)
The Power of Thought (Edward A. Kimball)
The Primary Cause of Disease (Edward A. Kimball)
The Religion of Common Sense (Edward A. Kimball)
The Significance of Christ Jesus' Mission (Edward A. Kimball)
The Theology of Christian Science (Edward A. Kimball)
Unlimited Promise (Edward A. Kimball)
What is the Living God? (Edward A. Kimball)
"Why Should It Be Thought Incredible That God Should Raise The Dead?" (Edward A. Kimball)
More Lectures on Christian Science by Edward A. Kimball (page with links to the newly added lectures)
NEW LECTURES (Sept. 21, 2012)
Christian Science: A Study in Causation (Mary G. Ewing)
Christian Science: God's Government of Man and the Universe (Evelyn F. Heywood)
Christian Science: God's Great Gift to Man (John Weer)
Christian Science: God's Law of Unfolding Good (Paul A. Harsch)
Christian Science: Its Call to Healing and Redemption (Walter W. Kantack)
Christian Science: Its Explanation of the Business of Living (Elbert R. Slaughter)
Christian Science: Its Present Promise and Proof (W. Stuart Booth)
Science: The Religion of the Bible (1) (Judge Septimus J. Hanna)
Christian Science: The Religion of the Bible (2) (Judge Septimus J. Hanna)
Christian Science: The Science of Christian Healing (John W. Doorly)
Christian Science: The Science of Perfection (Hendrik de Lange)
Investigate! Christian Science Meets the Challenge of Sin, Sickness, and Limitations (Ella H. Hay)
NEW ARTICLES (Sept. 21, 2012)
Christ Jesus's Sermon on the Mount
God's Law of Adjustment (by Adam H. Dickey)
Numbering Israel (by Louise Knight Wheatley)
NEW LECTURES (Sept. 6, 2012)
A Third of a Century of Christian Science (Carol Norton)
Christian Science (Judge Joseph R. Clarkson)
Christian Science (William N. Miller)
Christian Science: A Practical Religion (The Rev. Irving C. Tomlinson)
Christian Science and the Freedom of Man (The Rev. William P. McKenzie)
Christian Science: Is It Christian? (Sue Harper Mims)
Christian Science: Its Promises and Their Fulfillment (Edward A. Kimball)
Christian Science: Its Religion, Healing, and Philosophy (Carol Norton)
Christian Science: Its Work and Scope (Carol Norton)
Christian Science: The Science of Divine Completeness (Dr. Hendrik J. de Lange)
Christian Science: The Science of Harmonious Being (Dr. Hendrik J. de Lange)
Christian Science: The Religion of Jesus Christ (Judge William G. Ewing)
Christian Science: The Science of Spiritual Understanding (Dr. Hendrik J. de Lange)
Christian Science: What It Is and What It Does (Edward H. Hammond)
Christianity Made More Practical Through Christian Science (Alfred Farlow)
Jesus in Christian Science (Sue Harper Mims)
Man's Existence Here and His Life-Work (William N. Miller)
Beneficial Effects of Christian Science (Edward A. Kimball)
The Endeavor to Handicap Truth (excerpt from a lecture) (Edward A. Kimball)
The Health-Giving Theology of Christian Science (The Rev. William P. McKenzie)
NEW BOOKLETS (Sept. 6, 2012)
Answers to Questions Concerning Christian Science and Christian Science: Its Compassionate Appeal (by Edward A. Kimball)
Causation Viewed in the Light of Christian Science (by Frederick Dixon)
Christian Science: Its Discovery and Development (by William D. McCracken)
Christian Science Healing versus Mental Suggestion (by Frederick Dixon)
Possession (by Adam H. Dickey)
The Christian Science Movement (by Carol Norton)
Went Ye Out for to See?”
OTHER NEWS (Sept. 6, 2012)
Change in website administration at the end of August, ensuring the continuation of this site.